
什么是BzMiner ,如何使用BzMiner 挖矿的操作方方法和教程




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Bybit最高 $1,020 等您领取 $20 体验金和价值最高 $1,000 的福利卡:


  • 稳定的 100% LHR 解锁 v1!(在 windows/linux 驱动程序 465-511 上测试,见下文)
  • 支持的算法:
    • Ethash(AMD、英伟达)
    • Etchash(AMD、英伟达)
    • Kawpow(AMD、英伟达)
    • Olhash(AMD、Nvidia,1% 开发费)
    • Alephium(AMD、英伟达)
    • Kaspa(AMD、Nvidia,1% 开发费用 + 2% Kaspa 开发团队费用)
    • Ixian(AMD,Nvidia,1% 开发费,未针对 ubuntu 16.04 优化)
    • Woodcoin(AMD,Nvidia,1% 开发费,使用配置“algo_opt”将一些处理移动到 cpu)
  • 针对特定币种优化双重挖矿:
    • Eth + Kaspa(仅限 Nvidia)
    • 等 + Kaspa(仅限 Nvidia)
    • Eth + Alpha(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)
    • Etc + Alph(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)
  • 0.5% 的低开发费用
  • 核心温度、内存温度和功率限制节流(减速)通知
  • Linux 和 Windows 上的 Nvidia GPU 内存温度监控
  • 改进的 LHR 策略双/多币挖矿(ethash+kawpow、ethash+ol、ethash+alph)
  • 多币种挖矿支持三种不同的策略;并行挖矿、交替挖矿、仅 DAG gen 挖矿
  • 交替多币挖矿时可以按算法超频
  • 为每个多矿算法设置超频!
  • 控制算法/矿池/钱包挖掘PER设备,以及单个GPU上的多币挖掘
  • Awesome 易于使用的 Linux 和 Windows 矿工(通过浏览器提供 GUI)
  • 挂起 GPU 检测
  • 如果出现任何问题(例如挂起的 gpu),会自动重启 BzMiner 的看门狗服务
  • 可定制的显示
  • 内存结温监控(仅限 Windows)
  • 远程管理您网络上的所有采矿设备
  • 快速 Cuda v11 和 OpenCL 矿工
  • 根据您的反馈不断改进!
  • 矿工中的 OC 能力(在 DAG 生成期间移除 OC 以防止无效 DAG 生成)
  • 高级采矿功能,包括冷却、加速、双/多硬币采矿
  • 超高 OC 卡的 DAG 验证
  • 自动强度,动态调整 gpu 工作负载,减少陈旧,同时保持高哈希率
  • Ubuntu 16.04 支持
  • GDDR5 内存调整 ( --oc_mem_tweak)。1 – 3 级
  • TBS 看门狗(监控自上次共享以来的时间,如果太长则重置 gpus/重新连接到池)

100% LHR 解锁 v1

BzMiner v9.1.0 引入了 100% LHR 解锁器,它只是半稳定的。v9.1.3 具有更高的稳定性和哈希率。

如果卡变得不稳定(例如 lhr 异常),降低超频,降低--lhr_stability.

--lhr_stability对 LHR 解锁的算力和稳定性都有影响。较高的值会增加哈希率,但可能会导致 GPU 崩溃。较低的值更稳定,但可能会导致 LHR 暂时触发,从而稍微降低哈希率。玩它。

要禁用 LHR 解锁器,请设置--lhr_stability为 0。默认值为 100。

LHR 解锁有时会触发“LHR 异常”。如果发生这种情况,请降低该--lhr_stability选项。这个“例外”将允许设备继续挖掘,但速度要慢得多。它需要硬设备重置才能恢复,这意味着重新启动电脑。BzMiner 提供--lhr_exception选项,如果设置为 true 并且卡遇到 LHR 异常,将重新启动电脑。


  • Windows:
    • 需要支持 Cuda 11.2 或更高版本的 Nvidia 驱动程序(Nvidia 驱动程序 >= 460.27.03)
  • Linux:
    • 英伟达驱动 >= 460.27.03
  • Linux(Ubuntu 16.04):
    • Ubuntu 16.04 或更高版本
    • 库达 11.2
    • Nvidia 驱动程序 >= 495.29.05

包括 BzMiner 在内的挖矿操作系统



  • 至少一个 Nvidia GPU 和 Nvidia 驱动程序
  • 或至少一个 AMD GPU 和 AMD 驱动程序



bzminer -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p ethstratum+tcp:// -r worker_name

您可以为 -p 提供多个池地址以用于网络错误时的备用池:

bzminer -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p ethstratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// -r worker_name

您可以选择编辑config.txt和启动bzminer. 您可以使用参数指定配置文件-c

bzminer -c eth-config.txt


bzminer -a ethash -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// -r worker_name


bzminer -a etchash -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// -r worker_name


bzminer -a kawpow -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p stratum+ssl:// -r worker_name


bzminer -a olhash -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -p ethproxy+ssl:// ethproxy+ssl:// -r worker_name


Alephium 挖矿可能需要 4 个钱包地址(单独挖矿)


bzminer -a alph -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp:// alphstratum+tcp://




bzminer -a kaspa -w 000000 -p node+tcp://


bzminer -a kaspa -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp://


Solo 和 pool 都使用 GetWork http/https 协议

bzminer -a ixi -w 000000 -p



bzminer -a woodcoin -w 0000 -p stratum+tcp:// --pool_password c=LOG,d=1,ID=rig_name

双重挖矿(eth + alph)

bzminer -a ethash -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp:// --a2 alph --w2 000000 --p2 stratum+tcp://

multi_mine_type您可以使用命令行中的选项更改多挖掘类型。默认情况下,它设置为 0 用于并行挖掘,但可以设置为 1 用于交替挖掘或 2 用于仅在 DAG 生成期间进行挖掘


从 v4.3 开始,GUI 桌面应用程序已停止使用,取而代之的是浏览器 gui,可以通过打开index.html或导航到http://your-rigs-ip:port/您最喜欢的浏览器来访问它。

GUI 将显示(并允许您导航到)其他运行 BzMiner 的钻机。这是通过 UDP 广播消息完成的,可以通过在配置文件中将“disable_udp”设置为 true 在 BzMiner 实例上禁用该消息。



BzMiner 是一个命令行界面。只需更新config.txt和启动bzminer

bzminer有一个可选参数 ,-c可以调用它来加载不同的配置文件。例如。bzminer -c custom_config.txt.

bzminer还具有用于设置所有设备的矿池 url、钱包地址、算法和钻机/工人名称的可选参数

>bzminer -h
BzMiner - Advanced Crypto Miner
Usage: bzminer [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --version                   Get the version of this binary
  -a TEXT                     Default Mining algorithm. eg. 'ethash'
  --a2 TEXT                   Default second Mining algorithm (dual mine). eg. 'ethash'
  -r TEXT                     Default Rig (worker/username) name. eg. 'Rig'
  --r2 TEXT                   Default Pool username for second algo (dual mine)
  --pool_password TEXT        Default Pool password
  --pool_password2 TEXT       Default Pool password for second algo (dual mine)
  --nvidia INT                Only mine with Nvidia devices (0 = false, 1 = true)
  --amd INT                   Only mine with AMD devices (0 = false, 1 = true)
  --disable_opencl            Disable OpenCL. Useful for BzMiner crashing during startup due to AMD drivers.
  -w TEXT ...                 Wallet Address. If algorithm requires more than one address, list them same as -p
  --w2 TEXT ...               Wallet Address for second algo (dual mine). If algorithm requires more than one address, list them same as -p
  -p TEXT ...                 Array of Pool Addresses. eg. stratum+tcp://  stratum+tcp://
  --p2 TEXT ...               Array of Pool Addresses for second algo (dual mine). eg. stratum+tcp://  stratum+tcp://
  -v INT                      Set log verbosity. 0 = Error, 1 = warn, 2 = info 3 = debug, 4 = network
  --hide_disabled_devices     Do not log devices that are disabled.
  --max_log_history INT       For http api. max retained log history. default is 1024. Higher values increase memory usage.
  --log_solutions INT         If 1 (default 1), Solutions will be logged in output (as green).
  --log_date INT              If 1 (default 0), the current date/time will be logged at the start of every line of output.
  -o TEXT                     If provided, output will be logged to this file
  --log_file_verbosity INT    Set log file verbosity. Default 2.
  --clear_log_file INT        If 1 (default 0), BzMiner will overwrite the log file on start.
  -c TEXT                     Config file to load settings from. Default is config.txt
  -i INT                      Set mining intensity (0 - 64). 0 = auto. Higher means more gpu spends more time hashing. Default is 0.
  --i1 INT                    Set mining intensity (0 - 64). 0 = auto. Higher means more gpu spends more time hashing. Default is 0.
  --i2 INT                    Set mining intensity for second algo (dual mine) (0 - 64). 0 = auto. Higher means more gpu spends more time hashing. Default is 0.
  --lhr_stability INT ...     Set the LHR Unlock Stability value for each device. Lower is more stable, higher is less stable and higher hashrate. Default is 100.
  --lhr_exception_reboot      Reboot the pc when an LHR exception happens on a device (device hard reset currently requires pc reboot).
  -g INT                      Ramp up miner rather than start at full speed.
  -b INT                      Cooldown period. 0 = disabled. Higher value means longer time between cooldown periods. default is 0
  --nc INT                    Do not save to the config file (but still read from it).
  --update_frequency_ms INT   Output frequency in milliseconds. 0 = disabled. Default is 15000.
  --update_frequency_shares INT
                              Output frequency based on new shares found. 0 = disabled. Does not replace update_frequency_ms, works in parallel. set update_frequency_ms to 0 if you only want to use update_frequency_shares. Default is 0.
  --avg_hr_ms INT             Hashrate averaging window. Longer is more stable hashrate reporting. Default is 30000.
  --extra_dev_fee FLOAT       Add a little extra time for dev fee (percentage). Adds to default dev fee. Default 0.0
  --cpu_validate INT          Validate solutions on cpu before sending to pool.
  --multi_mine_ms INT ...     Time (ms) to mine each algo when dual mining.
  --multi_mine_type INT ...   Multi mine type. 0 = parallel, 1 = alternating (can oc per algo), 2 = mine only during DAG generation. default = 0
  --max_dual_autotune_drop FLOAT
                              Max hashrate drop of first algo in dual mining when autotuning. 0.0 - 1.0. default 0.92.
  --cache_dag INT             Useful for eth + zil. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = dag cached in vram (only supported on >6gb cards)
  --zil_only                  Only mine zil for the first algo (for zil + non-eth algo). Will set for first pool_config. Will only generate a dag for epoch 0 (zil). use in combination with --multi_mine_type 1, --multi_mine_ms 0 10000 and cache_dag 1
  --force_algo TEXT           Force an algorithm to run. Useful for OS's that do not currently have the desired algo implemented in integration scripts
  --blockchain_fee BOOLEAN    Enable/Disable 2% kaspa dev fund. 0 = disable, 1 = enable. Default = 0
  --algo_opt INT ...          A list (one per device) of whether to use algorithm optimizations if the algo supports it.
  --test INT                  Test mine. Useful for setting up overclocks.
  --http_enabled INT          Enable or disable HTTP API. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled Default is enabled.
  --http_address TEXT         Set IP address for HTTP API to listen on. Default is
  --http_port INT             Set which port the HTTP API listens on. default is 4014.
  --http_password TEXT        Set password for HTTP API. If not set, HTTP API will not be enabled. default is empty.
  --force_opencl INT          Force all devices to use the OpenCL implementation (if possible).
  --reset_oc_dag_gen INT      Reset overclocks before dag generation. Clocks will be set back after dag is generated. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
  --devices                   Only log devices. Does not start miner
  --no_watchdog               Do not start watchdog service.
  --disable TEXT ...          Disable specific GPUs from mining, separate by a space. Use device id in the format of pci_bus:pci_device (eg. --disable 1:0 3:0). use --devices to find device id.
  --advanced_config INT       If 1 (default 0), advanced config options will be showin in config.txt.
  --start_script TEXT         If specified, this script will run when BzMiner starts.
  --hung_gpu_ms INT           When GPU does not respond for this amount of time (ms), will be considered hung.
  --crash_script TEXT         When hung GPU is detected, this script will run.
  --hung_gpu_reboot INT       If 1 (default 0), BzMiner will reboot the rig when a hung GPU is detected.
  --hung_gpu_restart_bzminer INT
                              If 1 (default 1), and watchdog is enabled, watchdog will restart BzMiner process when hung GPU is detected.
  --reboot_after_watchdog_restarts INT
                              Reboot PC after watchdog restarts x number of times
  --restart_miner_minutes INT If specified and greater than 0, BzMiner watchdog will restart BzMiner process after this amount of time (minutes).
  --reboot_minutes INT        If specified and greater than 0, BzMiner will reboot the rig after this amount of time (minutes).
  --no_color INT              If 1 (default 0), output in console will not have color.
  --oc_delay_ms INT           Time (ms) to delay algo switch before/after oc changed for algo.
  --oc_fan_speed TEXT ...     Set the target fan speed (as percentage) for devices, separated by a space. 0 = auto, -1 = ignore, 100 = max.
                              Optionally use target temperature format, eg. --oc_fan_speed t:N[fMin-fMax]
                              where t is core, tm is mem , N is target temp, fMin is min fan speed percent, fMax is max fan speed percent
                              eg. --oc_fan_speed t:65[25-75] tm:85[50-100]
  --oc_power_limit INT ...    Set the power limite for devices (in watts), separated by a space. 0 = ignore.
  --oc_core_clock_offset INT ...
                              Set the target core clock offset (in mhz) for devices, separated by a space. 0 = ignore. Will be ignored if oc_lock_core_clock is not 0.
  --oc_memory_clock_offset INT ...
                              Set the target memory clock offset (in mhz) for devices, separated by a space. 0 = ignore. Will be ignored if oc_lock_memory_clock is not 0.
  --oc_lock_core_clock INT ...
                              Lock the core clock for devices (in mhz), separated by a space. Overrides oc_core_clock.
  --oc_lock_memory_clock INT ...
                              Lock the memory clock for devices (in mhz), separated by a space. Overrides oc_memory_clock.
  --oc_mem_tweak INT          gddr5x memory tweak. 0-4, 0 = disabled, 1-4 = timing, higher = faster. May need to reduce overclocks.
  --oc_unlock_clocks          Unlock the core and memory clocks. Will not mine (same as --devices argument).
  --oc_reset_all              Completely reset oc on all devices. Requires admin/root


配置文件 (config.txt)



  • pool_configs – 这包含您的池列表。您可以根据需要添加任意数量的池,即使您当前没有在其中挖矿
  • 全局设置/设备默认值 – 如果设备未指定这些设置,则这包含设备的全局设置和默认设置
  • device_overrides – 这包含系统上的设备列表。默认情况下,他们将使用设备默认设置

BzMiner 读取并保存到配置文件。首次运行 BzMiner 时,配置文件将更新为一个名为 的新属性device_overrides,其中包含在 pc 上找到的所有采矿设备的列表。这是可以设置单个设备设置的地方。


    "pool_configs": [{
            "algorithm": "ethash", // pool algorithm

            "wallet": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // wallet to mine to

            "url": ["stratum+tcp://yourpool:4444", "stratum+tcp://yourpool:4444"], // list of urls to connect to. will rotate through urls if they fail

            "username": "rig", // username/worker name to use

            "lhr_only": false, // if true only lhr cards will mine to this pool

            "delay_before_connection_retry": 3000, // milliseconds between each reconnection retry (minimum is 1 second)

            "no_work_timeout": 30000, // ms after connection begins before no work timeout is triggered and reconnection happens

            "test": false, // run this algo in test mode (will not connect to a pool)

            "test_iteration_ms": 15000 //  seconds between new work in test mode

            "blockchain_fee": true, // whether to enable the blockchain dev team fee (enabled by default, currently only available for kaspa)

            "tbs_watchdog": 1000, // If time since last share is over this percentage of estimated tbs, tbs watchdog triggers

            "algo_opt": 0, // If algorithm supports it (woodcoin), can set algo_opt to values that change how algorithm runs

            "zil_only": false, // If the algo is Eth + zil, will only allocate dag for zil, and ignore eth mining. for dual mining zil + another algo

            "max_dual_autotune_drop": 0.92 // max alowable drop for dual autotune (eg. 0.92 ~ 92% lowest eth hashrate)
            "algorithm": "kawpow", // pool algorithm

            "wallet": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // wallet to mine to

            "url": ["stratum+tcp://yourpool:4444", "stratum+tcp://yourpool:4444"], // list of urls to connect to. will rotate through urls if they fail

            "username": "rig", // username/worker name to use

            "lhr_only": false, // if true only lhr cards will mine to this pool

            "delay_before_connection_retry": 3000, // milliseconds between each reconnection retry (minimum is 1 second)

            "no_work_timeout": 30000, // ms after connection begins before no work timeout is triggered and reconnection happens

            "test": false, // run this algo in test mode (will not connect to a pool)

            "test_iteration_ms": 15000 //  seconds between new work in test mode

            "blockchain_fee": true, // whether to enable the blockchain dev team fee (enabled by default, currently only available for kaspa)

            "tbs_watchdog": 1000, // If time since last share is over this percentage of estimated tbs, tbs watchdog triggers

            "algo_opt": 0, // If algorithm supports it (woodcoin), can set algo_opt to values that change how algorithm runs

            "zil_only": false // If the algo is Eth + zil, will only allocate dag for zil, and ignore eth mining. for dual mining zil + another algo

            "max_dual_autotune_drop": 0.92 // max alowable drop for dual autotune (eg. 0.92 ~ 92% lowest eth hashrate)

    "pool": [0,1], // one or more pools to mine to. devices that do not specify will mine to these pools (these are indices into the pool_config list)

    "intensity": [0], // set mining intensity for device. 0-64, 0 = auto

    "repair_dag": [true], // Whether the dag (currently only ethash and etchash) should be repaired if an issue occurs. Useful for extreme overclocking. this has an impact on dag generation time

    "calc_dag_crc": [false], // Whether to calculate the dag crc. this will have an impact on dag generation time.

    "ramp_up": [false], // Starts mining at a slower speed and slowly ramps up to full mining speed

    "cooldown_period": [0], // Allows the GPU to cool down after some time. 0 = off, default = 0, higher values means longer intervals between cooldowns

    "cpu_validate": [false], // Whether solutions from this device should be validated on the CPU before sent to pool

    "reset_oc_dag_gen": [false], // If true, will reset overclocks before dag is generated. after dag is generated, will set overclocks back to what they currently are. Useful for very high OC

    "multi_mine_ms": [5000, 15000], // how long each algo should mine when dual mining

    "multi_mine_type": 1, // 0 = parallel mine, 1 = alternate mine (can oc per algo), 2 = DAG gen only mining

    "temp_start": 80, // temperature (C) that device should start mining at after it has stopped due to temp_stop

    "temp_stop": 120, // temperature (C) that device should stop mining at

    "rig_name": "rig", // default name of rig, if pool does not specify, will use this as the username/worker name

    "log_file": "", // if not empty, the file logs should be written to

    "clear_log_file": false, // by default, the log file will not be cleared when bzminer starts. set this to true to clear the log file when bzminer starts

    "nvidia_only": false, // only mine using nvidia cards

    "amd_only": false, // only mine using amd cards

    "disable_opencl ": false, // do not load OpenCL. Useful for some rigs that are having AMD driver issues

    "lhr_stability": [100], // adjustment for lhr unlock for each card. Lower values = higher stability, higher values = lower stability

    "lhr_exception_reboot": false, // if set to true, will reboot the pc if the LHR exception is triggered (which requires a hard device reset)

    "lock_config": false, // if true, bzminer will never write to this file

    "extra_dev_fee": 0.0, // additional percentage to add to dev fee (thanks for your support!)

    "cache_dag": 0, // when running eth + zil, if set to 1 eth dag will be cached while mining zil, so dag does not need to be recalculated after zil session

    "advanced_config": true, // show advanced config options (after setting true, must run bzminer once so it can update this file)

    "advanced_display_config": true, // show advanced display options (after changing, must run bzminer once so it can update this file)

    "launch_on_boot": false, // if true, will automatically launch bzminer when pc turns on (windows only)

    "start_script": "start.bat", // Optional script to run when bzminer starts up

    "hung_gpu_ms": 30000, // After GPU is unresponsive for this number of milliseconds, it is considered "hung"

    "reboot_after_wathdog_restarts": 0, // reboot pc after watchdog restarts bzminer x number of times. default 0

    "crash_script": "crash.bat", // Optional script to call when a hung gpu is detected

    "hung_gpu_reboot": false, // If true, will reboot rig when a hung gpu is detected

    "hung_gpu_restart_bzminer": true, // If true, and watchdog is running, will restart bzminer when a hung gpu is detected

    "restart_miner_minutes": 0, // restart bzminer after this amount of time (minutes), IF watchdog is enabled

    "reboot_minutes": 0, // reboot pc after this amount of time (minutes)

    "no_color": false, // disable all color output

    "verbosity": 2, // log level (0 = errors only, 1 = warnings, 2 = info (default), 3 = debug, 4 = network, 5 = trace (not available in release)

    "log_file_verbosity": 2, // same as "verbosity" but for the log file

    "update_frequency_ms": 15000, // how often to log info (in milliseconds). set to 0 to disable

    "update_frequency_shares": 0, // how often to log info (in after x amount of shares). set to 0 to disable

    "avg_hr_ms": 30000, // time to average hashrate (ms). Higher time means more stable hashrate, lower time means more realtime

    "log_solutions": true,  // whether to log each solution found in the output

    "log_date": false, // whether to log the date on each log line

    "http_password": "", // password for http api

    "http_port": 4014, // port to use for http api

    "http_address": "", // address to listen on for http api

    "http_enabled": true, // set to false to disable http api

    "disable_udp": false, // If true, the UDP service is disabled and this device will not show up in other instances of the BzMiner GUI

    "x_display": ":0", // which x display to use (for nvidia, linux only)

    "start_x": false, // attempt to start an x display (for nvidia, linux only)

    "display_settings": { // advanced display settings

        "table_width": 100, // number of characters wide the tables are. 0 = auto

        "wrap": true, // whether the table should allow columns to wrap (set to false to disable cells from wrapping their contents to the next line)

        "title_align": 1, // table title horrizontal alignment. 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right. default is 1 = center

        "date_align": 0, // table date alignment. 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right. default is 0 = left

        "max_log_history": 1024, // For http api. max retained log history. default is 1024. Higher values increase memory usage.

        "hide_unused_devices": false // if true, will hide any devices that are not mining (with start_mining: false setting)

        "show_devices": true, // show the devices table

        "devices_title_color": 7, // set the color of the devices table title

        "devices_border_color": 8, // set the color of the devices table border

        "devices_columns": "#,name:nw,free,total,core,mem,fan,pwr,temp", // which columns to show for devices table. supported list below

        "show_pool": true, // whether to show the pool tables

        "pool_title_color": 7, // pool table title color

        "pool_border_color": 8, // pool table border color

        "pool_columns": "#,uptime,a/r/i,avg,eff,pool mh,miner mh,status" // which columns to show in the pool tables

    "oc_delay_ms": 50, // for dual mining only, time before/after oc is applied when switching to next algo
    "oc_fan_speed": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of fan speeds (%)
    "oc_power_limit": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of power limits (watts)
    "oc_core_clock_offset": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of core offsets (mhz)
    "oc_memory_clock_offset": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of memory offsets (mhz)
    "oc_lock_core_clock": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of locked core clocks (mhz, overrides core offset when not 0)
    "oc_lock_memory_clock": [], // List (optionally of lists for dual mining oc's) of locked memory clocks (mhz, overrides memory offset when not 0)
    "oc_mem_tweak": 0, // Gddr5x memory timings tweak, levels 1-3. Higher tweak may require lower OC

    "device_overrides": [{
            // device info/settings
            "uid": "1:0", // pci bus id : pci device id. this uniquely identifies the device as long as it doesn't change pci slots

            "name": "EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra", // name of the device

            "start_mining": true, // if false, device will not mine

            "lhr": false, // whether this device is an lhr card or not ( set automatically )

            "temp_start": 80, // temperature (C) that device should start mining at after it has stopped due to temp_stop

            "temp_stop": 120, // temperature (C) that device should stop mining at

            // pool settings for this device
            "pool": [0,1], // list of pools this device should mine to

            "intensity": [0], // mining intensity. 0-64, 0 = auto. higher values generally means higher hashrate, but higher chance of stales

            "repair_dag": [true],  // Whether the dag (currently only ethash and etchash) should be repaired if an issue occurs. Useful for extreme overclocking. this has an impact on dag generation time

            "calc_dag_crc": [false], // Whether to calculate the dag crc. this will have an impact on dag generation time.

            "ramp_up": [false], // Starts mining at a slower speed and slowly ramps up to full mining speed

            "cooldown_period": [0], // Allows the GPU to cool down after some time. 0 = off, default = 0, higher values means longer intervals between cooldowns

            "reset_oc_dag_gen": [false], // If true, will reset overclocks before dag is generated. after dag is generated, will set overclocks back to what they currently are. Useful for very high OC

            "force_opencl": [false], // force device to mine on OpenCL (if available, only affects nvidia)

            "dag_dev_ref": [""], // Instead of this device generating the dag, it can copy the dag from another device. Nvidia only currently. useful for high oc's

            // overclocking
            "oc_fan_speed": [-1], // set the devices fan speed. -1 = do not change, 0 = auto, >0 = lock at percentage. Optionally a list for dual mining

            "oc_power_limit": [0], // set the max power consumption (watts) the device will use. 0 = do not change, >0 = max watts. Optionally a list for dual mining

            "oc_core_clock_offset": [0], // set the core clock speed offset in MHz. 0 = do not change, !0 = set clock speed offset. Optionally a list for dual mining

            "oc_memory_clock_offset": [0], // set the memory clock speed offset in MHz. 0 = do not change, !0 = set memory speed offset. Optionally a list for dual mining

            "oc_lock_core_clock": [0], // Lock the core clock to a specific mhz, if device allows it. Optionally a list for dual mining

            "oc_lock_memory_clock": [0] // Lock the memory clock to a specific mhz, if device allows it. Optionally a list for dual mining

如何禁用特定 GPU

GPU 可以通过命令行或通过config.txt

命令行参数是--disable并且需要一个空格分隔的 gpu 唯一 ID 或索引列表


bzminer --disable 1:0 3:0


bzminer --disable 0 3 5

可以选择直接从config.txt文件中禁用它们,在 config.txt 文件中的 gpu 下,设置auto_start为 false

GPU 油门通知

BzMiner 将根据是否导致 GPU 节流(减速)对某些元素进行颜色编码。支持当前核心和内存温度以及功率限制。

核心/内存 – 如果没有节流,则为绿色。如果 GPU 由于高温而节流,则为红色。如果 GPU 由于高温而接近节流,则为黄色

功率限制 – 当不导致 GPU 节流时,功率使用将是白色的。当 GPU 进行节流以达到功率限制时,电源使用情况将变为黄色。



  • 将两个硬币添加到您希望挖掘的 pool_config 部分,或使用命令行
  • 设置全局“池”设置或设备覆盖“池”设置以使用两个 pool_configs。例如。”池”: [0, 1]
  • 使用该配置运行 bzminer。例如。bzminer -c config.txt
  • 或者可以选择使用类似于以下的命令行运行: bzminer -a ethash -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp:// --a2 kaspa --w2 kaspa:000000 --p2 stratum+tcp://
  • -a是第一个算法,-w是第一个算法钱包,-p是第一个算法池
  • --a2是第二个算法,--w2是第二个算法钱包,--p2是第二个算法池
  • 可以为第一个算法-i和第二个算法设置强度--i2

v9.2.1 为特定算法引入了优化的双重挖掘。支持这些组合:

  • Eth + Kaspa(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)
  • Etc + Kaspa(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)
  • Eth + Alpha(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)
  • Etc + Alph(仅限 Nvidia,实验性)

使用该max_dual_autotune_drop选项更改双重自动调谐的行为。默认情况下这是 0.92,这意味着自动调整将尝试为两个算法获得最大哈希率,但将第一个算法 (eth) 保持在 92% 或更高的哈希率

BzMiner 允许使用该multi_mine_type选项进行交替/拆分挖掘。默认为 0,并行。通过将其设置为 1,算法将轮流在 gpu 上进行挖掘。他们挖掘的持续时间可以在选项中指定,该multi_mine_ms选项采用数组 [firstalgoms, secondalgoms]


BzMiner 允许您为您进行双重挖掘的每个算法设置超频。请注意,在这种情况下,极端的 oc 可能更容易导致 GPU 挂起(崩溃),因此使用了 config 选项oc_delay_ms,以便在切换到下一个算法之前让 oc 有时间启动。

这是一个示例双矿配置,每个算法都有 oc:

    "pool_configs": [{
            "algorithm": "ethash",
            "wallet": "0000",
            "url": ["stratum+tcp://"],
            "lhr_only": false,
            "max_dual_autotune_drop": 0.92
        }, {
            "algorithm": "alph",
            "wallet": "0000",
            "url": ["stratum+tcp://", "stratum+tcp://"],
            "username": "alph_rig",
            "lhr_only": false,
            "max_dual_autotune_drop": 0.92
    "pool": [0, 1],
    "intensity": [0],
    "multi_mine_ms": [5000, 15000],
    "rig_name": "ethash_rig",
    "log_file": "",
    "clear_log_file": false,
    "nvidia_only": false,
    "amd_only": false,
    "lock_config": false,
    "advanced_config": false,
    "oc_delay_ms": 100,
    "device_overrides": [{
            "uid": "1:0",
            "name": "EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra",
            "start_mining": true,
            "lhr_mine_ms": [5000, 15000],
            "oc_fan_speed": [-1],
            "oc_power_limit": [0],
            "oc_core_clock_offset": [-200, 50],
            "oc_memory_clock_offset": [1100, 0],
            "oc_lock_core_clock": [0],
            "oc_lock_memory_clock": [0, 810]


BzMiner 允许您自定义输出显示。这包括表格宽度、标题颜色、边框颜色以及每个表格中要显示的列。




默认池列配置:"#,uptime,a/r/i,avg,eff,pool mh,miner mh,status:nw"


  • #– 设备 ID 格式为pci_bus_id:pci_device_id
  • name– 设备的显示名称
  • free– 释放设备内存
  • total– 总设备内存
  • core– 当前核心时钟速度
  • mem– 当前内存时钟速度
  • fan– 风扇转速
  • pwr– 用电量
  • temp– 温度。格式为core temp/memory temp
  • status– 所有池的设备状态


  • uptime– 设备在没有停止或重置的情况下进行挖掘的时间
  • cfg– 设备配置。例如。i6 = 强度 6
  • a/r/i– 接受/拒绝/无效共享
  • tbs– 股票之间的平均时间
  • eff– 效率,以每瓦哈希为单位
  • pool mh– 根据矿池难度和找到的份额估计有效哈希率(某些矿池的有效/当前哈希率)
  • miner mh– 当前矿工速度(一些矿池报告的哈希率)
  • status– 设备/池状态。



  • 颜色是整数,对应于正常的终端颜色代码。默认 BzMiner 日志记录颜色为 7。
  • 列是逗号分隔的字符串。不要包含空格,除非列名包含空格(例如“pool mh”)。列可以有选项(目前只有一个),通过在列名后添加冒号 (:) 并指定选项来指定,例如name:nw. 两个支持的选项;nw,如果该列不能足够宽以支持一行上的整个值,则防止该特定列换行到下一行,并且nc禁用列值的着色


Urls 格式应为{protocol}+{tcp/ssl}:{url}:{port}(用户名和密码可选)


如果需要用户名和密码,例如。{protocol}+{tcp/ssl}:<{username}:{password}@>{url}:{port},它们可以在配置文件中为每个设备设置,也可以通过命令行设置。如果设备 pool_username 为空,它将使用配置文件中的装备名称。如果 pool_password 为空,它将使用配置文件中装备的默认 pool_password。如果池不需要密码,则将两个 pool_password 留空。不要将用户名和密码放在 url 中(如果有足够的请求,可以在以后的版本中添加)

BzMiner 支持 4 种网络协议

  • 节点 – 使用nodesolo
  • 地层 – 使用stratum
  • Eth 代理 – 使用ethproxy
  • 以太坊 Stratum v1.0.0 – 使用ethstratum
  • 以太坊 Stratum v2.0.0 – 使用ethstratum2
  • Alephium 二元层 – 使用alphstratum
  • HTTP 或 HTTPS GetWork – 使用httphttps

如果提供的协议未能成功与矿池建立连接,BzMiner 将尝试自动选择矿池支持的协议。


HTTP API 可以通过启动带有 –http_enabled 标志的 bzminer 来启用,或者通过在配置文件中设置 “http_enabled”: true 来启用。

如需了解更多详情,请启用 http api,然后转到http://{http_address}:{http port}/help. 如果您在同一台计算机上,则可以使用localhost127.0.0.1作为 http_address。

/index启用 HTTP API 时可以找到一个简单的查看器。index.html为您提供方便。


默认情况下,wathdog 服务正在运行。看门狗服务监视:

  • Hung GPU(一段时间后GPU没有响应)
  • 无响应的网络活动
  • 无响应的主循环
  • BzMiner 崩溃

如果检测到 GPU 挂起,看门狗服务将选择性地调用配置文件中指定的脚本,然后如果配置文件中指定,则选择性地重新启动装备。

在调用可选脚本之前来自 BzMiner 的最后一个日志(和输出)格式为:

<Error> Hung GPU detected! (bus_id:device_id)


如果 BzMiner 因任何原因崩溃,看门狗也会重新启动 BzMiner。这通常不应该发生,但偶尔的错误会导致 BzMiner 崩溃,并且使用 wathdog 服务,它会重新启动。看门狗服务还会在网络活动无响应和主循环无响应的情况下重新启动 BzMiner。



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