
WildRig Multi 适用于 AMD、NVIDIA 和 Intel GPU 的多算法矿工


  • 具有 RDNA 之前架构的 AMD GPU 不支持 nexapow
  • 欢迎任何举报!:)

支持的 GPU


  • 第 2 代 GCN:Radeon R7 260、R9 290、R9 295X2、R7 360、R9 390
  • GCN 第 3 代:Radeon R9 285、R9 380、R9 Fury、R9 Nano
  • 第 4 代 GCN:Radeon RX 460、470、480、550、560、570、580、590
  • 第 5 代 GCN:Radeon Vega 56、Vega 64、Vega FE、Radeon VII
  • RDNA 第一代:Radeon RX 5500、5600、5700
  • RDNA 第 2 代:Radeon RX 6500、6600、6700、6750、6800、6900、6950
  • RDNA 第 3 代:Radeon RX 7600、7700、7800、7900

皮特凯恩、塔希提岛和其他 GCN 第一代的旧卡(如 HD 78×0、HD 79×0、R7 265、R9 270、R9 280、R9 370 等)不受支持,也不会支持,因为它们太旧了,需要额外的工作。


  • 所有具有计算能力 >=5.0 的 GPU 都应该使用驱动程序 452.39+ (Windows 和 450.80.02+ Linux) 工作


  • 英特尔锐炫: A310, A350M, A370M, A380, A530M, A550M, A570M, A580, A730M, A750, A770M, A770
  • 英特尔锐炫 Pro:A30M、A40/A50、A60M、A60
  • 英特尔数据中心 GPU:Flex 140、Flex 170


  • aergo, anime
  • bcd, bitcore, blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, blake3, bmw512
  • c11, curvehash
  • dedal
  • evrprogpow
  • firopow
  • geek, ghostrider, glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
  • heavyhash, hex, hmq1725
  • kawpow
  • lyra2tdc, lyra2v2, lyra2v3, lyra2vc0ban
  • megabtx, memehash, meowpow
  • nexapow, nist5
  • phi, phi5, phihash, progpowz, progpow-ethercore, progpow-sero, progpow-telestai, progpow-veil
  • quark, quibit
  • rwahash
  • sha256, sha256csm, sha256d, sha256q, sha256t, sha512256d, shandwich256, skein2, skunkhash, skydoge
  • timetravel, tribus
  • vprogpow
  • x7, x11, x11k, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16r, x16rv2, x16rt, x16s, x17, x18, x20r, x21s, x22i, x25x, x33, xevan


  • 0.75%:
    • evrprogpow
    • firopow
    • heavyhash
    • kawpow
    • memehash
    • meowpow
    • nexapow
    • progpowz
    • sha512256d
    • skein2
    • and all other non-listed below algorithms
  • 1.00%:
    • curvehash
    • ghostrider
    • mike
  • 2.00%:
    • rwahash
    • sha256csm
    • skydoge
  • 5.00%:
    • x7


Usage: wildrig [OPTIONS]

  Some parameters can be set per gpu, use comma to separate each gpu and * to skip

  -a, --algo ALGO               specify the hash algorithm to use
      --benchmark                run offline benchmark
      --benchmark-hashorder      run offline benchmark and/or set hash order for benchmark
      --benchmark-epoch          run offline benchmark and/or set epoch for benchmark
      --benchmark-block          run offline benchmark and/or set block for benchmark
      --benchmark-timeout        run offline benchmark and/or set how long to run benchmark in seconds(default: 0)

  -o, --url URL                  URL of mining server
      --proxy                    set ip:port to connect via SOCKS5 proxy
  -O, --userpass U:P             username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user USERNAME            username for mining server
  -p, --pass PASSWORD            password for mining server
  -w, --worker WORKERNAME        worker name(progpow variants only)
  -r, --retries N                number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 1)
  -R, --retry-pause N            time to pause between retries (default: 5)
      --max-rejects N            number of one by one rejects before switch to backup server (default: 5)
      --max-difficulty N         maximum difficulty to accept from pool(unit: M), otherwise reconnect (default: 0)

      --send-stale               send stale shares
      --diff-factor N            difficulty factor to use instead of algo default(default: 0)
      --no-extranonce            disable exranonce subscription
      --protocol PROTOCOL        set stratum protocol(ethproxy, ethstratum, stratum, stratum1, stratum2)

      --watchdog                 enable checking how long videocards are running OpenCL kernel(terminate if more than 30 sec.)
      --watchdog-script FILE     file to execute when watchdog triggers(can be used without --watchdog parameter)
      --strategy N               strategy of feeding videocards with job(default: 0)
      --split-job N              amount of gpu's(or threads of it, keep this in mind) solving one job

      --opencl-platforms LIST    list of OpenCL platforms to use(amd, nvidia or intel; default: all)
  -d, --opencl-devices LIST      list of OpenCL devices to use(default: all)
      --force-eff-mode           force to use efficient kernels when possible(e.g. memehash, skydoge)
      --progpow-kernel           depends on drivers values 1 or 2 can provide better hashrate for ProgPow(default: 0)
      --no-dag-split             disable splitting DAG on two parts(have sense only if AMD fix this problem in their drivers)
      --print-platforms          print available OpenCL platforms and exit
      --print-devices            print available OpenCL devices and exit

      --no-adl                   disable monitoring via ADL
      --no-igcl                  disable monitoring via IGCL
      --no-nvml                  disable monitoring via NVML
      --no-sysfs                 disable monitoring via sysfs

      --gpu-threads N            set amount of threads per gpu(default: auto)
      --gpu-affinity N           affine GPU threads to a specific CPU thread
  -i, --gpu-intensity N          set intensity per gpu(default: auto)

      --gpu-temp-limit N         set temperature at which gpu will stop mining(default: 85)
      --gpu-temp-resume N        set temperature at which gpu will resume mining(default: 60)

      --gpu-reset-oc             reset gpu overclock settings on start or when ZIL PoW Window ends
      --gpu-core-clock N         lock GPU core clock to N
      --gpu-core-offset N        set offset N for GPU core clock
      --gpu-memory-clock N       lock GPU memory clock to N
      --gpu-memory-offset N      set offset N for GPU memory clock
      --gpu-powerlimit N         set power limit for GPU to N
      --gpu-fan-speed N          set fan speed for GPU to N

      --zil-another-miner        pause mining during ZIL PoW Window so another miner can mine ZIL

      --zil-reset-oc             reset gpu overclock settings when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-core-clock N         lock GPU core clock to N when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-core-offset N        set offset N for GPU core clock when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-memory-clock N       lock GPU memory clock to N when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-memory-offset N      set offset N for GPU memory clock when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-powerlimit N         set power limit for GPU to N when ZIL PoW Window starts
      --zil-fan-speed N          set fan speed for GPU to N when ZIL PoW Window starts

      --execute-at-start FILE    execute custom script before gpu initialization
      --execute FILE             execute custom script after gpu initialization or precompute stage, etc.
      --execute-wait N           wait for N seconds after executing the script (default: 1)

      --multiple-instance        allow multiple instances running at one time
  -l, --log-file FILE            log all output to a file

      --no-color                 disable colored output
      --print-time N             print hashrate report every N seconds
      --print-debug              print debug information

      --api-port N               port for API
      --api-worker-id ID         custom worker-id for API

  -h, --help                     display this help and exit
  -V, --version                  output version information and exit
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